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Facts and fiction about the northern lights

Many people are fascinated by the aurora borealis, but few are familiar with the science and myths related to the incredible natural light show in the sky. We're here to fix that! Join us as we take a closer look at all things northern lights below.

When aurora borealis is explained by advanced physicists specialised in magnetohydrodynamics, it can be hard to see the link to the lights that dance above your head.

But the phenomenon can also be explained in a more easy-to-understand way: it's all thanks to the sun. During large solar explosions and flares, huge quantities of particles are thrown out from the sun and into deep space, ultimately causing the phenomenon.

The math behind the northern lights

Here’s where it gets really interesting: when the particles meet the Earth’s magnetic shield, they are led towards an oval around the magnetic North Pole where they interact with the upper parts of the atmosphere. The energy then released is visible to as the northern lights.

It adds to the magic to know that it happens approximately 100 kilometres above our heads. The immense power of the phenomenon is the reason we can see it so clearly, as it’s intensified by a multitude of atoms and molecules.

Never take the northern lights for granted. They are as much a natural phenomenon as the weather. The appearance and intensity of the northern lights are controlled by the sun’s activity and their location depends on the earth’s magnetic field.

The northern lights appear in a belt situated above the Earth in a regular position in relation to the sun.

More on the northern lights

Interested in learning more about aurora’s origin? This video explains the fascinating details.

Aurora borealis is far from a new phenomenon. The spectacle of the northern lights is described by early storytellers and has given rise to many legends. For instance, northern lights symbols are found on Sami shamanistic drums. The lights have several different names in Sami, including  Guovssahas. which means 'the light which can be heard'. Poetry in motion.

During the Viking Age, the northern lights were said to be the armour of the Valkyrie warrior virgins, which shed a strange flickering light. Today, locals often respectfully refer to the northern lights as 'the green lady'. Check out the colours in the numerous photos and films of the lights posted on social media to see if you find that apt. You might see many more colours in real life, though.

When and where can I see them? 

Northern Norway definitely offers the best and most consistent opportunities to see the northern lights, as this part of the country lies below the auroral oval. One place in this area is often as good as another ­– you can observe the same northern lights in Lofoten as in Tromsø, 500 kilometres further north, just from a different angle.

However, the aurora shows up in other parts of the country as well from time to time, including in  Trøndelag and Southern Norway, particularly during periods of increased solar activity.

Patience is a virtue, including when hunting the northern lights. But to maximise your chances of a sighting, bear in mind that the lights are at their most frequent in late autumn and winter/early spring (from September to late March), during the hours from 6 pm to 1 am.

Lights, camera … action!

When the light show brightens up the sky, the moment is definitely worth capturing. Photographer Christian Hoiberg has loads of experience when it comes to photographing aurora’s fleeting beauty. Click the link below to get his expert tips!

Dressing for winter in Northern Norway

Many people say they feel less cold in Northern Norway than what they had anticipated before arriving. With fireplaces heating up cabins and lavvos, the temperature inside is often around 25 degrees Celsius. But if you want to enjoy outdoor activities without freezing or sweating, you need to be prepared.

Wool is cool
Norwegians are addicted to wool clothing – they love garments made of the ingenious heat-regulating fabric. A thin basic layer of a wool shirt and long johns is a good start. Alternatively, you can wear a base layer made of moisture wicking synthetic fibres. Avoid cotton, as it tends to get cold and uncomfortable when you sweat.

Wear layers
If you dress in layers, it is easy to remove or add a layer if you get too hot or cold. Put on a layer of fleece or wool over the base layer. Still cold? Add a thicker sweater (wool is still cool), a scarf and woollen socks. The outermost layer should be wind and waterproof: lined trousers, a warm thermal jacket, a warm hat that covers your ears, gloves, and proper winter shoes. Avoid shoes that are tight as they can make your toes cold.

Make sure you have good grip
The coastal climate is usually relatively mild, but the rain can freeze and make the ground slippery. Your shoes should have rubber soles with a good tread as this is less slippery than plastic. In the steepest hills, you should use crampons, which you can buy in most sports shops.

When you’re active
For fast-paced activities like snowmobiling, you need even more clothes. On organised snowmobile tours, you will be provided with a thermal suit and suitable boots, gloves, and headgear.

Insider tips
In Northern Norway, we always remove several layers of clothing when we go inside to avoid getting cold when we go back outside. It's also good to know that you are expected to take off your shoes before entering Norwegian homes as it is considered very impolite to walk around indoors with outdoor shoes on.

Source: NordNorsk Reiseliv

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